A bridgeport just passed by my window..


Nov 25, 2015
Wow, I looked up for a second, sitting here reading some stuff after lunch, and a Bridgeport Mill just passed by...
The only issue is that whoever is moving it, does not know to lower the head. ... it's riding high above.
If you were in Pittstown, NJ ... Alexandria Township moving a mill... and are on here... say hello...
I got real excited for a second.... I get lots of farm stuff, but I haven't seen a mill pass by before.
Wasn't ME !:grin:
I would have posted a pic.
Too fast for me to get one. Once it crested the hill it's gone..200 feet maybe 250.i only saw it when it was in front, had I seen it before I could have had time.
No I meant if I had bought that one I would have posted a trailer picture gloat on the way home. A guy offered to sell me a Bridgeport a couple of months back. Good price, no room or money. Thinking I need to look for both now.