ATV Brush mower adapted to skid steer


Rest In Peace
I picked up a Bush Hog 42" brush mower for free and adapted it to my 453 Bobcat. I didn't take any before pictures but this mower had been sitting in the weeds at a neighbors house for at least 5 years so it was rough looking. Engine needed the carburetor rebuilt, a new recoil starter and centrifugal clutch. Mower spindle needed new bearings/seals, the pulley end welded up, turned and rekeyed for a new pulley. Made brackets to add wheels to the leading edge and to mount it to a skid steer quick attachment plate.

In the future I may replace the engine with a hydraulic motor.


I mowed with it before I painted it and it went right thru some two foot tall grass and 1" diameter brush(Multiflora rose and Bush honeysuckle). After the paint cures I'll see how it does on the back side of my lake damn that's too steep to run any other type of mower on.

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