Band Saw Modification



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I bought a 5 x 8 Jet band saw from a local dealer that refurbishes damaged Jet equipment and it came with an odd ball 68 1/4 blade length. I have some 68 inch blades but didn't have enough adjustment with the original tensioner so I made a new tensioner knob and cut some longer threaded rod so I can use a standard size blade.



Finished the mill


New and old



Works good and now I have a better selection of blades at half the price :grin:


Very nice. What did you mill that on if you don't mind my asking?
Great looking knob/design and nice CNC job. Bob
Nice knob but I preferred it showing the milling marks, I thought that looked really nice.
Thanks guys! I wasn't sure if I should leave the tool marks or not, personal preference I guess. once I started blending out the tool marks I couldn't go back, I think you may be right!
Yea, I'll vote for the machined look as well. Pretty cool. :)
once I started blending out the tool marks I couldn't go back, I think you may be right!
okay, time to make another one! ;)

Just kidding of course, that turned out great.