Baykuni DRO


May 19, 2024
Has anyone installed a Baykuni (Amazon Chinese) DRO on their lathe? They appear to be a notch up on the cheaper TO DRO’s but there are no reviews on them yet. Their cross slide scale is thinner than the TO which solves a common issue. I have a Grizzly G4003G.
Ask the vendor a few questions and see how they respond- if they seem straight up then I would feel confident giving them an order
The Chinese DROs seem to be pretty decent quality and the vendors fair and honest from what I have heard, just be sure you understand
what you are getting for the price
The biggest problem I have with any of the offshore DROs is the lack of a native speaker designing the interface.

The DRO on my lathe displays ALE. It took a while digging through the manual to discover that ALE is the abbreviation for absolute rather than the customary ABS. The manual was written by somebody, but certainly not somebody who speaks English.

I swapped out the head (kept the scales) for a unit from Touch DRO. It supports a US based business, who also supports this site.
TouchDRO would be my choice. Might be a few bucks more to initially get set up, but the end result is awesome. As an added bonus no Chinglish manual, excellent support, and a full featured DRO that is a huge amount cheaper than the big name units with the same features. Buy the glass or magnetic scales of your choice, TouchDRO adapter and a Android tablet and you are set. The upfront cost is definitely a bit more than a China import but in the end it will be worth it.