Bridgeport V2 Spindle Drop


Professional Fish Killer
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Sep 24, 2014
I have a Bridgeport V2 cnc mill with a pneumatic tool changer. NMTB30.
Yesterday I was pulling down on a tool holder while releasing it and the tool holder pulled down
arund 3/4” before releasing. Now, after tightening a tool into the spindle Ican pull it down 3/4” or so.
Spindle is all the way up. Any suggestions to where I start?
Well I am a happy camper. Due to an 8’ ceiling in my shop I can’t just pull the power draw bar motor and draw bar. Have to tilt the head way over and plan to re-tram. Thats probably whyI didn’t want to just do that. Today I just did it. Pulled the drawbar out and the threads on the end were all buggered up. So they were tightening in the tool holder before it was truly drawn in, so it could be pulled down. I re-threaded the draw bar, took 10 minutes to re-tram and was good to go. I feel a little foolish, but I’m happy it wasn’t anything complex.