Can You Make This Tired?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 20, 2018
That was what my 6 y/o granddaughter asked as she handed me a pipe cleaner. "Tired?" I said, puzzled. She said "I want you to make two little pieces like you did before."

Oh, you mean "fatigued"!

So I flexed it back and forth until it broke.
My boss got a new electronic dead bolt lock that wouldn't lock because of too much friction from the bent in tongue on the striker plate. He asked me if I would mill the bent in tongue off of the striker plate for him. He brought it over to my shop and I looked at it for a minute... very hard to clamp to the mill table. So I screwed it to a 2 x 4 scrap clamped in the bench vice. Put a good line indentation in it with a couple good hits from a cold chisel. A couple more hits of the tongue back and forth and the tongue "got tired" and just fell off. Then I cleaned it up with a file. He just smiled and chuckled.
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I love kid stories as they make me flash back to when my kids were little. I stayed home with my son 2 1/2 and my daughter 1 until they were ready to go to school. They were both very verbal and totally different physically and mentally. So they really kept me on my toes.

On the first day my son was to go to kindergarten his mom was taking him to the school (she worked there as a special Ed teacher) and noticed he was sitting there with a far away look. She asked him what he was thinking about thinking he was worried about school. He replied “I was thinking how Jesus and Elvis are a lot alike”. His mom being a teacher somehow kept a straight face and said “how’s that?” He got a thoughtful look and said “well, people say they still see them and talk to them….and people call them both the king”.

My daughter looked like this little angel because she had this totally white tight curly hair so everywhere we went some old person would just chuckle with delight and say well hello there cotton-top! and want to touch her hair. She would just fume quietly convinced they were making fun of her. Her moms aunt was in an expensive assisted living hi rise that was something like 10 or 15 floors filled with old folks in Denver and was not doing good so they went to visit. It was like throwing steak into a school of zombies. At one point after trying to negotiate the sea of old folks they go up to get the aunt and as they are in the hall an old guy comes out of his room he looks down and chortles “Hey cottontop!” And in this deep mad voice 3yld daughter says” hey a**hole” All the old people freeze and say what’d she say!?!?
At my brothers house one day my niece was having a discussion with her friends who were over and apparently didn't realize my great niece was nearby.

She apparently heard the word condom and came and asked me what it was.

I was so taken aback by a 4yr old asking me this out of the blue I just stammered, "Umm better go ask your dad".

Which she did, but she said "Dad, uncle John (Not my real name) told me to ask you what a condom is".

This set off much inquiry on my nephews part and kinda left me hanging until my dad piped up and muttered "Its what your father should have used more of".

This took everyone by surprise until he started talking about the rest of the meal and we realized dad had no idea what was going on as he's damn near deaf. Hes talking condiments.

Took us all a bit to stop laughing and dad had no clue what had transpired until later when I was explaining the situation to my nephew out on the porch.