Changing filament and platens, how do I save the settings I have for this platen


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
Have a Prusa MK3S+. I'd like to use a satin platen and PETG. I currently have PLA loaded and a smooth platen. How do I save the settings for the smooth platen when I go back to PLA? Can any of this be done more elegantly via Octopi, or is this all done via the spin wheel plus pressing?
Have a Prusa MK3S+. I'd like to use a satin platen and PETG. I currently have PLA loaded and a smooth platen. How do I save the settings for the smooth platen when I go back to PLA? Can any of this be done more elegantly via Octopi, or is this all done via the spin wheel plus pressing?
Steel sheets selection.
Had a little trouble with loading the filament. The AutoLoad Filament wouldn't allow me to change the filament type. I changed it to manual load, and was able to proceed.

None of this was available from Octopi....
Did you get it figured out? You can save the calibration setting for each plate with the spin wheel.
Did you get it figured out? You can save the calibration setting for each plate with the spin wheel.
Thanks, yes. The calibration is stored under the sheets selection menu. All of which are controlled by the spinner wheel. Need to get back to the PETG stuff. Unfortunately, I think the crappy wet filament has permanently stuck on my satin sheet. Can't get it off. There's a thin 40mm square piece dead center of the sheet. It's thick enough so that I can't just flip the sheet and use it, because it is substantially higher than the rest of the sheet.