Cost of this crane over 2 days


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 28, 2011
I wonder what the cost is. Placing the roof panel on the new build beside us.

At least a few kilodollars... probably less than $10k.
Key to saving money: minimize time on location, dont ask for more crane than you need.

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Last time I hired a crane was over 10 years ago when I was still building. Back then, depending on the size of the mobile crane and location, it was $150 to $600 hour for crane and operator with a 4 hour minimum.

I always liked crane day. Really fun to watch a good operator in action.
After Fred sold the business to Shibuya Corp., I stayed on as foreman for a year or so. During that time they shipped a large CNC laser from Japan. It was 4 weeks in transit to Seattle, then 3 days from Seattle to our shop in Modesto. I wasn't informed of any of this until the morning it was to arrive, when I was told to get a crane to unload it. On such short notice there was no crane available with sufficient capacity, so I had to wrangle two cranes from two different companies. It was VERY expensive. This was typical of how they managed the business.

They ultimately got tired of shipping money to the U.S. to cover the losses from the companies they bought and mismanaged. Based on my experience with Shibuya, it was a puzzle how the Japanese ever became the manufacturing powerhouse that they were.
Based on my experience with Shibuya, it was a puzzle how the Japanese ever became the manufacturing powerhouse that they were.
As you know, it's all a question of management.
My only experience with crane rental was when we had a new hot roof put on the dealership.
A crane was used to lift the HVAC units off the roof and then to reinstall a few hours later.
Last time I hired crane service in NYC, it was $3,500 for 2 hrs. Placing AC compressors on a rooftop. Not including permits or additional insurance, which added another couple of grand..,.