Deep Sixing the Ugly threading handle


Feb 7, 2013
Today my project was to do some clean up and painting on the carriage on the old Springfield lathe.
As I started to clean up the threading handle for painting and scraping off the old paint, I found the
handle pretty ugly and bent as well. Although the new handle isn't original, it looks a lot better
and feels nicer to use. It goes along with the new threading dials , new cross feed screw, added new threading dial and
threading stop that I have been working on for a while. All in all the lathe is much better to use
now so the time spent was well worth the effort.

This photo shows the old threading handle...... UGLY.

This photo shows the new ball handle fabricated from 5/8 inch
mild steel rod and a chunk of aluminum for the ball. Also, the photo shows the threading dial I made some time back,
a very useful addition.

Another carriage modification was the addition of a Bijur pump and some brass lines to oil the carriage, a nice mod.
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I'm an oil line man myself , I had an old horizontal mill in my youth , and it had oil holes for the spindle I made a manifold and used copper lines like you did only I just cleaned the holes and copper and soldered them in the head. Used the valve adjustable glass oilers . I even made a dipper like on a tailstock with a reservoir for high pressure center lube. I'm sure it's still in use out in Pennsylvania up near rt 80 .
The ball handle really looks better on the lathe . Good job on the lathe.
I'm an oil line man myself , I had an old horizontal mill in my youth , and it had oil holes for the spindle I made a manifold and used copper lines like you did only I just cleaned the holes and copper and soldered them in the head. Used the valve adjustable glass oilers . I even made a dipper like on a tailstock with a reservoir for high pressure center lube. I'm sure it's still in use out in Pennsylvania up near rt 80 .
The ball handle really looks better on the lathe . Good job on the lathe.

The headstock on the Springfield uses brass or bronze bushings on the front and back of the main shaft. I use sight glass oilers to ensure oiling. The
only drawback to using them is that it is somewhat messy as it is a total loss oiling system I believe. I don't know why they employed oilers
as it is a geared head lathe full of oil... At any rate they look cool, all polished up.....:) Maybe I can take a photo today.

I agree with you that it makes sense that oil pumped under the ways makes for a better operating machine, less wear. My Monarch
lathe is the king of oiling, a manifold with brass lines running to everything on the carriage and a Bijur pump run by the X axis crank.:encourage:

Thanks Silverbullet for the post and kind words.:encourage:
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