ESP32WROOM flashed with no issues but BT device not found.


Jul 29, 2015
Yuriy, desperately need you help - the situation: ESP32WROOM connected via USB cable to PC running WIn10. Used PowerShell to flash the firmware. I used your firmware from download section: there is two options, current v1.6 and 1.4. I checked both. My ESP32 is on COM port 16 so Powershell command looked like this:
C:\dro> -p COM16 -b 460800 --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp32 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size detect --flash_freq 40m 0x1000 bootloader.bin 0x8000 partition-table.bin 0x10000 touchdro-diy-universal-1.6.bin
So after this i cycled RESET button on ESP32 module while holding BOOT button and esptool recognized and uploaded all three files with no errors as in attached screenshot.
The problem is ESP32 is not listed on bluetooths devices list. I checked two Android phones (xiaomi 10 pro) and tablet (recent Lenovo pro). So farly new devices and none of them can see "Touch DRO DIY" devices on the list. Same on Win10 BT scan - no such davice available.

ESP32 when connected to power shows red LED lit and blue LED blinking - fast blinking for the first 2-3 seconds after power up and then it blinks once every 2 seconds.

What now? ESP32 is standard devkit, called WROOM. Anyway flashing shows zero issues. Why it is not working? What can i chack now:(

Thank you for support.


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Yuriy, desperately need you help - the situation: ESP32WROOM connected via USB cable to PC running WIn10. Used PowerShell to flash the firmware. I used your firmware from download section: there is two options, current v1.6 and 1.4. I checked both. My ESP32 is on COM port 16 so Powershell command looked like this:

So after this i cycled RESET button on ESP32 module while holding BOOT button and esptool recognized and uploaded all three files with no errors as in attached screenshot.
The problem is ESP32 is not listed on bluetooths devices list. I checked two Android phones (xiaomi 10 pro) and tablet (recent Lenovo pro). So farly new devices and none of them can see "Touch DRO DIY" devices on the list. Same on Win10 BT scan - no such davice available.

ESP32 when connected to power shows red LED lit and blue LED blinking - fast blinking for the first 2-3 seconds after power up and then it blinks once every 2 seconds.

What now? ESP32 is standard devkit, called WROOM. Anyway flashing shows zero issues. Why it is not working? What can i chack now:(

Thank you for support.
Hi Bogi,
Blinking blue LED means that the firmware is running, so your flashing process worked, so the only logical option is that your ESP32 chip is bad. If the module has red and blue LED, it's the older ESP32 DevKitV1 from AliExpress or alike. Quality control on those is pretty bad and it's hard to tell what version of the ESP32 chip the module uses. The latest revision is "E". I tested the firmware all the way back to "C". Earlier version might or might not work, I don't know.
Thank you Yuriy for reply!
To be honest i took those esp32s and reflashed with WLED software and they work with no issues. I flashed OpenBuilds Control GBRL firmware and no issues at all. So why issues with TouchDRO, both 1.4 and 1.6?
I have 8 esp32. Will check all of them. I'll try to get them from different sources as well.
Thank you Yuriy for reply!
To be honest i took those esp32s and reflashed with WLED software and they work with no issues. I flashed OpenBuilds Control GBRL firmware and no issues at all. So why issues with TouchDRO, both 1.4 and 1.6?
That i don't know. The firmware is very well tested in the field, so I'm pretty sure it's not the problem.
As far as I know WLed is only wifi. So it still might be the Bluetooth radio part of your esp32 is somehow broken. I have flashed the same code on a esp32wroom and everything works out of the box. Second option... Are you sure the binaries are not corrupted?
hmmm, binary i have just downloaded straight from Yuriy's website. Waiting for the wrooms now
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TouchDRO is using BLE (bluetooth low energy) or classic BT? What i did now is: i took one of those esp32 and flash with Arduino sketch for bluetooth scanning - i can see BT module in my esp32 works as i can see BLE devices in area (scan log is broadcsted via serial to Serial Monitor). So it looks like BT is working fine. Then i used another sketch to create BT server and i can see in on my phone. So the modules are fine. Hmm:/
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hmmm, binary i have just downloaded straight from Yuriy's website. Waiting for the wrooms now
Can be corrupted at download or extraction. I would at least try to re-download and try again. Again for me it is working fine (using v1.6) so I doubt it is an issue with the firmware.
TouchDRO uses BlueTooth classic.
I'm 100% sure that the firmware works. It's been around for a while and there are thousands of units that use it (Kits, pre-assembled boards and who knows how many scratch-built adapters). Either you are using an incompatible module, or your module is defective. You mentioned that the LED was blinking, which mens that the code is at least running the heartbeat thread.

If you are using ESP32 DevKitV1, what you actually get it's a complete crap shoot. Those modules are made by a lot of "bottom feeders" in China from who knows what parts. ESP32 WROOM Rev.E module costs $2.90 in China when purchased in bulk; Silabs USB Bridge is $1.70 and the voltage regulator is about $0.20. That is close to $5 in parts alone (these are prices IN China, in the USA or EU the prices are a bit higher due to shipping and tariffs), not counting the PCB, other components, assembly, etc. The official ESP32 DevKitC sells for $10-$11. The fact that you can get a "comparable" kit for $3 on AliExpress should raise a few red flags about the expected quality and reliability.
