Fawn Fire in Redding


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 3, 2013
We drove by the fire today on our way home around 1pm. Looked to be blowing up with all the wind. We could see fire from I-5. Not good. It was good to see all the air support at the time. To all my H-M brothers and/or their family in the area. Be safe, we are praying for you.
The valley is heavy with smoke today because of it. Heard there is someone in custody for arson. What possess someone to cause that much destruction ?
Fortunately the smoke is staying down in the valley (where it belongs). The woman who was arrested for setting the fire had just been released from Shasta county jail and is suspected of setting a fire in Shasta Lake City the night before. Having gone through one too many fires, I believe that charges of attempted manslaughter are warranted. Burning at the stake might be an appropriate punishment.
Unfortunately there are quite a few fires set by individuals either intentional or carelessness. There have been a number of fires in our area and also in northern LA which were intentionally set and the persons were eventually arrested, but most often this is after repeat episodes and/or prior history. I guess that is why the call them pyromaniacs.
I just don't understand people that set fires. I can still remember the home owner who was sitting in his driveway on the Fountain Fire in 1997 when we were going back through the burn area putting out hot areas. The forlorn look on his face cut right through you. He had just lost his home. I will always remember the look he had. How could anyone purposely be the cause of that is beyond me.
Another heroic effort by our wildland firefighters have done a great job of keeping this fire from being worse than it is. The weather is getting favorable to getting it under control this week. When we drove by last Thursday the winds were howling to the south west straight at Redding. It could have been a whole lot worse. Still feel terrible for those who have lost their homes.

From the reports coming out it looks like the fire may have not been set intentionally. A mental health crisis may be a contributing factor.

From the AP: "Alexandra Souverneva, a graduate of the California Institute of Technology who refers to herself as a shaman on her LinkedIn page said she accidentally started the Fawn Fire on Wednesday when she was boiling bear urine to drink, a narrative filed by Cal Fire law enforcement said."

Not to make light of the situation but where do you get bear urine and why would one want to drink it?
From the AP: "Alexandra Souverneva, a graduate of the California Institute of Technology who refers to herself as a shaman on her LinkedIn page said she accidentally started the Fawn Fire on Wednesday when she was boiling bear urine to drink, a narrative filed by Cal Fire law enforcement said."

Not to make light of the situation but where do you get bear urine and why would one want to drink it?
I have no words. o_O
Had to stop on the Sacramento River North of Sacramento to have some homeless put out a couple of fires. They were burning grass and leaves along the river!