Feed per revolution of spindle


Jan 22, 2020
Trying to understand this concept is akin to going down a rabbit hole.....for me anyway.

To cut to the chase...…
What should I set the feed rate at, on a Craftsman 101.07301? I digress.....there is prolly no one correct rate for all turning. What would be the "compromise" answer to this?
In the MOLO for the 6" lathe, the common settings are: .0024" .0039" .0048" .0078"

And about changing the feed rate for roughing cuts vs finishing cuts...….do you guys actually go through the trouble of gear changes for each type of cut?? Seems like lotsa fiddling.
After awhile you willl want a lathe with a quick change gear box. You still have to fiddle, but it's much much easier.
I think the variables are so numerous that simply experimentation until you build up some history is about the only way to get it down.
Trying to understand this concept is akin to going down a rabbit hole.....for me anyway.

To cut to the chase...…
What should I set the feed rate at, on a Craftsman 101.07301? I digress.....there is prolly no one correct rate for all turning. What would be the "compromise" answer to this?
In the MOLO for the 6" lathe, the common settings are: .0024" .0039" .0048" .0078"

And about changing the feed rate for roughing cuts vs finishing cuts...….do you guys actually go through the trouble of gear changes for each type of cut?? Seems like lotsa fiddling.
That is why I seldom used power feed with my Atlas/Craftsman 6 x 18. Maybe a handful of times in fifty years. It is also a major reason for adding an electronic lead screw to my Grizzly G0602. All speeds and feeds at the push of a button.
If (as I usually do, but I have a QCGB on a 3996) you almost always use power feed, the feed rate determines the finish. A roughing cut is, by definition, one that you wouldn't be happy with the finish from. So it is up to you to determine whether or not the time spent changing the gears is more or less than the time spent doing all of the job at the finish feed rate. Put another way, whether it is worth the time spent changing gears depends upon how much smaller in diameter the finished part is than the stock that you make it from. And the DOC (Depth Of Cut) is another variable to be considered.
I'm pretty lazy, and in no particular hurry, so I generally leave mine in the slowest feed rate possible. I use it almost always, for an even finish. (6" Craftsman 101.07301)
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For roughing I try to pull the fastest feed rate and the deepest cut the motor can stand, for finishing the surface speed up near the max of the recommended for the tooling, feed rate can be pretty fine as the rpm makes it travel fast enough.
If those were my options, and changing feed rates was a pain, I’d likely make do with the .0048, most of the time. I largely alternate between ~.005, & ~.010, but mostly just use the .005”, even though changing feeds is easy, on my lathe.
Thank you guys for your thots.

I'll set the feed to .0048 and see what happens.