Geometric chasers


Aug 10, 2021
Just bought a Geometric 9/16 head but of course no chasers. I would like to get several different standard sizes but right now I need a set of 1/4-20. Anyone have some they would be willing to sell?

Tons here .
I have the same die head and have accumulated a good set of mainly NC threads up to 1/2". I haven't found a good reliable affordable source, just catch as catch can via eBay. My last purchased set was a 3/8-16 that was net $30, but over the last few years I've gotten popular threads for around $15 per chaser set.

There are so many weird thread sets available...they're useless to me.
I have a drawer full somewhere for my head , once the DSM-59 is up I'll locate them . The odd ball sizes are useless like said above . The standards are hard to find as everyone with a diehead needs them .
Useful chasers include 1/8" and 1/4" NPT...I see them on eBay occasionally. These are threads that I can't single point thread (can anybody), so they have come in pretty handy.
I have a duplicate 10-32 chaser for the 9/16 D style that I would trade for some other duplicate somebody might have.
well, while on the subject of useless to-me chasers I have 2 sets I cant use. I'm also not sure what head they fit but if anyone can use them let me know.


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