remote start ... Wont have one....
I came home one day and my neighbor was out plowing snow with his plow
truck. He had the hood open and was doing something. i ask if he needed
help. He said his truck ran low on tranny fluid and need to go to town to get
some. i said hop in I'll take you... when I got back I pulled my Jeep Wrangler
up along side his truck. He dumped the fluid in and pushed his remote switch.
The truck was having a hard time starting. he said give it some gas. I reached
over to the carb and pulled back the throttle. The truck started and the carb
stuck wide open, The truck was in gear and was also in 4 wheel drive. With
all 4 tires spinning it started to move and slide towards me. I had no place to
go. I was between the jeep and his truck. I was getting rolled between the two.
I remember flattening out my mirror on my jeep. The only thing that saved me
was the trucks plow hooked on the end of my bumper and made the truck
slide away from my jeep opening up a space so I could run. My friend had to
jump over a large bank to get away from the truck. He climbed back up the
bank and said there she goes... Yep... Wide open down the road. The truck
climbed a steep bank and flipped over. No one was hurt...