Guys with small ones, check out my neat way to make it seem bigger.


Mangler of grammar, off my meds.
H-M Supporter Gold Member
May 7, 2023
I'm talkin air compressors, what did you think?

I just discovered this in my "someday box" (Someday that might be useful) and thought Id share and help you save some air.

This is called a set jet and it is an air multiplier, and can output 25X the volume of air than it uses. This looks like it would be a neat shop project for someone who wants blow off, but does not want their compressor running full time. My basement shop air compressor is only 5gal, which is sufficient for most regular work, but if I want blow off for cooling or to direct chips its constantly running, which is annoying as its loud and it gets hot.

This thing is dead simple and I plan on scaling it down, as in this size it takes too much air to work as Id like as the output nozzle is a bit large at 3/8". Essentially in this size its moving a lot of air, but not with enough force to be useful for moving chips unless I really jack up the flow, and that kinda defeats the purpose. Works good on smoke though.


I have it hooked into a flow regulator for now as that is square bodied and easier to mount to something, but the unit its self, also regulates airflow by turning the output nozzle.

Inside there is an air chamber where the air enters and gets blocked off when the outlet is closed completely. You can see right in front of the air inlet there is a raised ridge surrounding the supplemental air intake. That ring makes the air go down the throat of the outlet and draws in outside air by creating a venturi effect. I tried adding a smaller nozzle to suit my needs, but all this did was make the air blow out of the intake side, so Ill have to make a tiny one.


The throat of the nozzle is nothing special, just a bit bigger than the direction ring inside the body. Outside is threaded and has an o-ring groove.


Im not sure if this end being dished does any more than smooth out the airflow going in, but here's a pic showing this detail and you can also see the air inlet that leads to the air chamber.


Pretty cool little device and easy to copy. Might take a bit of tinkering to get it to work well if scaled, but who would mind tinkering?

If you don't want to make one you could buy it, but their a bit pricy.

Vortec corp, these guys have some neat stuff.

Thank you Mr. Bernoulli!
Venturis are an interesting thing. We had a similar device for firefighting called an ejector. Same concept, a smaller hose is pumping into the ejector, which flows into a larger hose. The vacuum created draws in additional water. With the common 1" to 1.5" size we used the output was roughly double the input, so 1 gallon pumped, meant we got two gallons back. A lot slower than drafting, but we could use the ejector on a 100 foot fire hose vs a limit of around 20 feet using the hard draft hose.

“Air Multipliers” have been used for decades to reduce compressed air requirements for blow-off & cooling nozzles.
Cold guns are different: they use vortex nozzles to separate cold from hot, same total volume. Multipliers draw in “outside “air” to increase volume of the compressed air.
We used their cold air guns at work , they work great ! I think Mike has one now .

I have one of these too.......somewhere.

We used them to cool the brazing jigs at work, and I saw a brand new one at the fleamarket and the guy didnt know what it was.

Paid $5 for it, no idea what Ill ever use it for as they are total airpigs and LOUD!
Coanda effect.
Hi pressure/low volume air injected, low pressure/high volume extracted.

Those bladeless room fans use this principle.

That's it!

Bernoulli was all that would come to mind.
Not to be confused with vortec tubes that spot cool or heat.