HAPPY EASTER! Jesus has arisen and saved us!


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 10, 2012
Today is a great day. The Lord has arisen and saved us! That, in and of itself, is the greatest thing but Mom's turkey dinner and homemade cheesecake for desert comes in a close second. :D

Hope you all are having, or had, a great Easter!
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He is risen, indeed!
I have had the words of the old hymn running through my mind in the last couple of weeks: What was it blessed God, led thee to give thy Son?
To yield thy well Beloved, for us by sin undone?
'Twas love unbounded led thee thus.
To give thy well Beloved for us.
To give thy well Beloved for us.

Thanks for that Allan. I had heard the word Maranatha before but didn't know what it meant. This time I looked it up. The Lord has come.

God Bless.