Have you been pleased with yourself for a job well done then thought "Bugger, why didnt I----)


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 22, 2012
I cut a couple of circles from 12mm aluminium plate, on the second circle the tool worked loose from the chuck and took out a chunk from the edge.
I thought I would be clever and make some reinforced filler from high strength araldite and aluminium fillings and shavings and pack out the missing area.
I gave it 24 hours to set and filed it to shape.
Not too bad even if I do say so myself.
and then it hit me.
Why on earth didnt I use the rod of low melting point aluminium solder to build up the missing section?
That would be stronger and also less noticable.
Doh! :bang head:
Usually I don't have that experience. More likely, I show someone what I did and they say "why didn't you just...". At which point, I remind myself that we all have our unique strengths, and this probably isn't mine.

But I like what you did there.
The face that shows in the second photo has to have a curve of 142" radius of curvature ground into it hopefully right out to the edge.
There should just be enough metal left to allow this.