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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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When you tilt the seal, the bottom will start to move outward but never come completely out. The top will hit first. I have never had a problem doing it this way.

"Billy G"
This is what the spindle shaft will look like. The 25 X 1.5 is the ER 20 Collet Nut thread. I don't think I will get to this today.

"Billy G"

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I'm within .007 of the finish bearing surfaces. I am letting it cool dowm and see exactly where it is. After cooling it will probably be a polish operation.

"Billy G"

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Bearing fit is dead on. It took a light tapping with a dead blow hammer to get them on. It will be easy to get them off. If the bearings ever need changing heat will get them off.. That allen screw is the oil fill plug.

"Billy G"

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3/4-10 threads are done. Single point tool needed stoning, I did them anyway. I will chase the threads tomorrow. Need to add the keyway and this end is done.

"Billy G"

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Threads chased. Tomorrow we do the end you see here. That will complete the Wheel Spindle.

"Billy G"

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Thank you Andy. It's been a long day everyone. See you tomorrow.

"Billy G"
Bill, 436 members have read or looked at your thread. That's a pretty good percentage of the membership. Nice work.
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