Jd Gear Options

Hi Dan, Lapping gears- Years ago I was doing a lot of work on Mack quad boxes. The old fitter that I worked with showed me how . All you do is start medium valve grinding paste a little smear on each side of the teeth and rotate the gears slowly back and forth (you can hear the paste crunching) keep doing this until you cant hear the crunching and then wipe the teeth. then change to the fine paste and repeat. Me being a very smart young fitter thought he was mad but it cut the noise by 25%.
Just spin the transmission by hand and use water based valve grinding paste (it dries on the teeth were oil based drips). For gear oil I would use a 80 w /90 mineral. Hope this helps.

Thanks Brendan, leave it to old guys to know how to do things. I'll pick up the water based grinding paste and will post the results once I am done making the gears. Dan
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