Kids Build Their Own Computer And Play Minecraft On It...neat Gadget


Active User
Jan 10, 2013
Kids these days.... Insert all the usual griping and bemoaning here... I picked up a neat gadget for my 10 year old from Kickstarter. Called Piper, it's an assemble and figure out for yourself system to play Minecraft on:
A lot of laser cut bits of wood, electronics, some breadboards and wires. There is just a series of pictures on how to assemble the parts, then you start playing the game and figure out how to make more controllers as you need them. She only needed some help with sticky parts and is pretty pleased with herself. I think she is learning a lot from it. The kit is not cheap, but the design of the box is well thought out and the game is fun to play. We still have a lot of levels to go. If you know any Minecraft obsessed kids, this could be a way to pry them away from the screen for a while. More info and ordering at:
I'm just a satisfied customer.
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