Lathe Tooling from Headstock to Tailstock - Link to post in Tool Junkies forum

H-M Platinum Supporter
Sep 1, 2020
I posted this in the Tool Junkies forum, but figured it could help people getting started so putting a copy here as well.

I started my Saturday by watching the whole video. I for one appreciate all your time and effort in filming and editing it.

What do you do about all the Allen & open end wrenches that you need to lock the carriage, loosen the compound, change tool bits, etc.? I keep all of those wrenches and hex keys right next to my lathe (not a whole set of open end wrenches & hex keys, just the ones that fit on my lathe & QCTP tooling).

I didn’t see any scales. I have a 12” flexible scale and 6” hook rule that see a lot of use.

I also have 30-60-90 angle and 1-2-3 blocks that see a lot of use getting my tool post at the angle I want it. I’m sure you have those in your milling tools drawer. I’m just pointing out that I use mine a lot for lathe work. My parallels also find themselves coming over to the lathe for squaring up work in the chuck.

Thanks again for taking the time! When are you going to become like me & cover all of this lathe tooling, your floor & yourself in oily CF?
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Erik - great questions. I am always trying to balance how far to go with each video and tried to keep this one focused on just tooling “connected” to the lathe so to speak. On top of that Husky cabinet is where I keep my Allen wrench sets and in a drawer in the top box I have my key wrenches. I also keep a couple wrenches on my tool tray. Have not thought of 1-2-3 blocks at the lathe and yes they are in the milling drawers. I keep a 45 degree ruler on the lathe for tool post set up and an old Starrett combination square set that I use a lot.

Glad you enjoyed the video and I am holding out on the CF shower as long as possible, but know it is eventually inevitable.
Erik - great questions. I am always trying to balance how far to go with each video and tried to keep this one focused on just tooling “connected” to the lathe so to speak. On top of that Husky cabinet is where I keep my Allen wrench sets and in a drawer in the top box I have my key wrenches. I also keep a couple wrenches on my tool tray. Have not thought of 1-2-3 blocks at the lathe and yes they are in the milling drawers. I keep a 45 degree ruler on the lathe for tool post set up and an old Starrett combination square set that I use a lot.

Glad you enjoyed the video and I am holding out on the CF shower as long as possible, but know it is eventually inevitable.

Don’t do like I did and hurt your back pushing the heavy CF reservoir back into the hutch; best to get this “pan” set just right while it’s empty. Nowadays, I just pour the CF directly into the chip tray.

It is very messy! Good to see you are wearing coveralls. I hope you choose an oil-based so that the endeavor doesn’t become stinky as well.
Erik- I will be sure to buy your CF recommendation when I am ready and yes I have always just poured in the chip tray. I recall that rotten egg smell in a huge shop with vents. Definitely don’t want that in my little shop I have now. Thanks for the reminder. And for me coveralls on the lathe are a must. If it is not the oil flying those hot chips have no business in your waist band.