Long time graphic artist turned 3D, now beginning a hobby in metal machining


Mar 5, 2023
Long-ish time lurker here, first time poster. Came up through my ranks in Adobe Illustrator and 4 years or so ago dove into the world of 3D printing. Self-taught in all things I went with Blender as my modelling tool. It took a while to wrap my head around the 3D space, but I get it now and I'm fairly proficient.

As a hobby I love to build TV and movie props. The 3D printer lets me do most of that, but when it comes to the "hero" props that they use for close-ups and such, they often go with the real deal in substrates. So, now I will be taking on metal machining. I'll be turning a LMS 7x16 and I'll be getting a small mill as well.

I wanted to share this as a first post because when I was trying to vent my resin printer there was very little info out there. My setup is a Saturn (gen 1) resin printer and it's enclosed in a Vivosun grow tent. The exhaust fan is mounted inside and it blows the air out a basement window that I had converted from glass to polycarb. If anyone has questions, please ask.


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Welcome to the forum!

Good idea on the enclosure and vent system.

Thanks, Tim! I usually go with Elegoo's water wash resin in grey because it's super easy to work with and way less smell. There are things to watch out for when using the water wash like dry time and such, but I can be in the same room all day printing and not catch a whiff of it.
Venting would be handy when I’m printing abs. But I’d also loose enclosure temperature so maybe not so much. Probably just best not to be in the room when printing abs either way.

Thats fdm of course, not resin….