Looking to Trade PBA 8" Chuck


Chief Tinkerer
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 21, 2013
It's a long shot, but I am looking for a 6" set-tru, two-piece jaw, D1-4 chuck for my PM1340GT. I want to trade my 8 1/4" PBA set-rite D1-4 chuck for it. My chuck is lightly used, and in very good shape. I would prefer to trade with someone within a days driving distance from Tucson, AZ.

As I said, it's a long shot, but I'm getting older, and this chuck is getting a bit heavy for me. This is the only reason I am considering doing this.

Thanks for looking. :)

EDIT: Stupid me...The PBA is a 3-jaw, and I would like a 6" 3-jaw in trade. And of a similar quality.

Thanks wa5cab for pointing out my omissions. :)
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You need to specify (say) whether the 8" chuck is and 6" chuck needs to be 3, 4 or 6 jaw.