Made a heavy G clamp


Now, how do you guys down under make a G out of that thing? :jester: (It's fun on world wide forums to learn what other places call things.)

Thanks for comments fellas, as for the "g" clamp, if I put a handle in the screw, wound it up and flipped the body to face the other way it would look like "g", and Bessey clamps are also known sometimes here as "f" clamps. In fact I had never heard of a Bessey clamp till last week when I looked it up on the internet, and I have been using them for 40 plus years. I suppose it's what I have always known these things as and everyone I have dealt with has also called them that.


Too bad it wasn't MADE IN THE USA. Then I would know for sure it awesome.

All kidding aside, great work man.
A very nice clamp, and plenty strong. Nothing beats a tool that fits your needs, and lasts.