Re-Opened Might we tweak the site's search function?


Granite Stoopid...
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Apr 28, 2014
Would it be possible to put this on the to-do list?
Any short words in the keywords and it errors out.
Tried search for "what is this" with and without quotes in the keyword line and it still returns the error. Thanks.

can't do a search for 'VFD' or for 'DRO' or perhaps I just plain can't figure out what syntax the search routine desires for short words.
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er, umm... not really resolved. Still is not functioning with (3) character search words.
Using "" is an interim, quick fix go around IMO.
Might it be possible to tweak the search function so that we can search on (3) letter words such as 'DRO', VFD', 'BXA' 'AXA', ETC. and be able to include the posted by 'field'?
I believe the default is set to (4) characters or greater.
Possibly a check under: my.chf for Xenforo settings, and MySqlFt.php for mySQL settings for a start point.
These may be old and out of date settings, but it does provide a start point to enhance the functionality of the forum board.
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This is still not working. Tried searching for "o-ring" (with the doublequotes). Standard search syntax nearly everywhere is to treat everything in quotes as strictly literal -- i.e. look for this exact string only. There is no reason why we should not be using the standard search syntax.
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This is still not working. Tried searching for "o-ring" (with the doublequotes). Standard search syntax nearly everywhere is to treat everything in quotes as strictly literal -- i.e. look for this exact string only. There is no reason why we should not be using the standard search syntax.
*o-ring* might wok... Asterisks help. However the results will not be great.
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  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: nut
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The search function has been my only disappointment on this forum. The site settings render it almost useless and tremendously devalue the forum from what it could be. You can't search a part number because the numbers are excluded as being to short or common. The same thing occurs with most machine part terms because it only views each word individually not as combinations and excludes them as being too common. Even when I search the "search function" I get exclusions.........LOL. Really? ......and on some key word searches that are accepted I have found it actually doesn't identify threads with the searched keywords and I turn them up later by randomly paging through the chronological posting order. I admin on another XenForo forum and have no such problems. On a forum of this size and complexity, there surely deserves a decent search function. . It's hard to believe this can't be remedied other than having to result to google search. It's really a shame because there is such a great repository of knowledge and information here and it can only be accessed by asking the same questions over and over.

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@kcoffield - Have you tried searching using quotes? "o-ring" returned a result for me. Not the single quote but the double quote.
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