MK4 upgrade, first print - layer shift


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
Just finished the assembly of my Prusa MK4 upgrade. Sort of the usual Prusa build, some cursing, some why did they have to do it that way, but muddled through it. Went through the first start up wizard, and it is a nice upgrade from the primitive MK3S+. Passed all the calibration, or really on the second pass, since the taller print head went all the way up (doh!) and crashed into my LED strip lighting. They recommend a PLA first print, so I changed to the smooth sheet, loaded the PLA filament, and selected the small spatula print on the included USB stick. Things seemed to go ok for a while. I thought it was going well, then I heard some weird noise which sounded a lot like a print head crashing into the rectangular fill periodically, then some inexplicable sound. I can't describe it really. But then I noticed the upper half (in Z) of the print was offset in Y. I let it finish. Maybe it skipped a tooth on the belt?
The Y belt appears to be snug. I just connected up Octoprint and will try printing that way. Had to cobble up some USB cables and adapters. Maybe the USB stick is slow or something? Anyways, this is using 0.15mm layers in speed mode and "input shaping".

Night and day. Top is USB, bottom via Octoprint.
Learned something, I think.
Was watching a printer make an entire " Mouse Trap " thing like the original today Wobbly . Very cool . Don't know **** about these printers but they are cool to watch . Good thing I'm old and have run out of projects . Nice job .
Was watching a printer make an entire " Mouse Trap " thing like the original today Wobbly . Very cool . Don't know **** about these printers but they are cool to watch . Good thing I'm old and have run out of projects . Nice job .
Have to admit, when the printer is running it is almost mesmerizing. I use the printer to make stuff that would be difficult to make via machining. Anyways, I've found 3d printing both incredibly frustrating and useful at times. It's pretty neat to go from a CAD rendering to a finished part. Kind of a poor man's CNC.
Mine did something like that at one point. I wiped down and re-lubricated the slide rods, hasn't done it since. Whether or not that was issue is anyone's guess.