Multifix tool post


Staff member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
I am looking for a multifix or clone with 1 or 2 holders to go with. It doesn't matter if they are in poor condition, and to save money it may even be preferred. I will be making a video series on tool posts and holders and want to include a multifix in the series. Please PM me if you have a deal for me! I have experience using them but don;t own one at present. I can mount it in a 14" lathe or 15" lathe for the video so I'm looking for an appropriate size. If you're not sure we can figure it out together.
I am looking for a multifix or clone with 1 or 2 holders to go with. It doesn't matter if they are in poor condition, and to save money it may even be preferred. I will be making a video series on tool posts and holders and want to include a multifix in the series. Please PM me if you have a deal for me! I have experience using them but don;t own one at present. I can mount it in a 14" lathe or 15" lathe for the video so I'm looking for an appropriate size. If you're not sure we can figure it out together.
there is a crowd in china make em under license to the Swiss original search youtoob