Must Have Mill Machine Accessories For A Beginner?

I know it. TOOOOOLS. They also have a co-axial indicator, vblock and a set of 12 angle blocks that I'm adding to the list

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This guy has over 300 videos... too bad I can't afford to watch them all. Anyone have an idea what the tab is up until now... for all these "must have" accessories for a "beginner" :laughing:
This guy has over 300 videos... too bad I can't afford to watch them all. Anyone have an idea what the tab is up until now... for all these "must have" accessories for a "beginner" :laughing:

Rule #9871 - Never add the receipts... :)
You'll end up spending more on tooling than the machines themselves.
Unless you find some good deals at auctions, machine shop selling out or C List.
If I had to pay Store bought price for all the tooling I have, it would add up to several thousand.
I have well surpassed what I paid for my machine. I got it from the company I work for. They were closing the plant near me and had this machine that was only used 2 times and no one knew how to use it, Smithy 120 Ltd up on the silent auction block. Long story short $25.00 is what I got it for. Now I've got probably 8 or 900 into tooling. Made some cool stuff. First thing I made was a ski pole for my buddy's boat.

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