My week this week, my workshop videos.


Active User
May 2, 2011
Hi Chaps, many of you have suggested that I post all my videos in one thread, and I have decided to give it a go and see how it works out. From now on I will post in this thread every week, starting with these offerings. As usual some things go right, and some don't. You do have to be carefull with the Gopro as the tiny touch screen makes it really easy to touch the wrong button without noticing, hence there is a second slideshow of the pics I took when I thought I was shooting video. I think a second camera may be on the cards! Hope you enjoy these, and remember to like, comment, and subscribe! Thanks for watching!

Hi chaps! Not much time spent in the workshop this week, but managed to get a bit done, failures and succeses!¬ and as an added bonus, a car repair, you can't be without a heater this weather! Enjoy, and subscribe if you like it!
East Yorkshire.

Hi all, as usual, I didnt get s full week in the workshop this week, but fitted s new motor to the old fan housing, which is much more powerful, and very effi9cient, but I heed to modify the flue as well before I can tell if the problem is solved. It certainly works better than it did! Enjoy, like and comment , and as usual thanks to you all for taking an interest in my channel and thanks and welcome to all the new subscribers!
East Yorkshire

Video link
My week this week, got a couple of useful days in, and some part days, built up the new flue, but will be fitting it next week weather permitting, tried out a bit of TIG cam, but I need to cover the back of the mask to prevent reflections, so will do some more soon. You really will learn absolutley nothing from my TIG "skills" save to say that I can make a fair job of steel, but find aluminium much harder, which, by all acounts, it is! Thanks for watching and subscribing, leave comments and any questions you may have (why are you such a T*aT) is not a valid question, and anyway, I don't know the answer!
Enjoy, subscribe, laugh!

Hi Phil,

I saw your multiple vises in a previous video, and just thought they were meant as multiple stations. Perhaps for multiple people or multiple projects.
It did NOT occur to me that they were aligned to all be used together. Brilliant!
I have seen long mill tables with multiple vises to hold long (2 foot) work, but nothing on this scale.
Thanks for sharing this!

They are multiple stations, but I first used this sytem in the seventies, when I did car repairs at this workshop, using 2 vices and two 4' lengths of angle iron. I decided with the new bench to scale it up a bit. I actually built a bender with those woods to fold some thin plasticoat galv steel when I was reroofing the workshop with insulated panels, and bent all the flashings and trims to go round the roof edges. Edged one of the timbers with a 3/4" steel pipe to give me a radius on the bends . It worked very well, but the 3 metre long by 1mm thich sheets were a bridge too far! the plasticoat was only about .5mm and very soft.
New stuff, firewood and a reluctant pump, its all in a weeks worth of work! Havent had much chance to film this week, so hope you like what I did get done!
East Yorkshire

Not much "meat" this week Brino, I am winding down early for Christmas, , which means I hope to get an early start after christmas, the problem is that we tend to get snow from mid Jan to mid Feb, and I am 6 miles from my workshop over a road which climbs up onto the east Yorkshire wolds, and quickly become impassable. If it snows I get an extended holiday! I also have to be careful when I am at the workshop, because I only have windows in the machine shop end, and if it starts to snow, and I don't notice it, the road can become impassable within 30 minutes, usually because of someone who chickens out, or is not a good snow driver, but I have had a couple of times when I have only just got through to home! If we do get snow I will try for some video of it.
Hi all, this week the first of a two part slideshow on building my wood fired warm air workshop heater. My shop is 1150Sq ft, and is now warm even in the coldest days!
Phil, east Yorkshire

Phil you are a very talented man,love taking a look into your shop and see some projects.Thanks for posting