Narcissus, aka the Common Grackle.


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2021
We've got this stupid grackle who has fallen in love with his own reflection, much like the Greek god Narcissus. Unlike the pool of Narcissus of legend, this bird has fallen for his reflection in our windows. Pecking, pecking, and pecking, and flapping, and pecking and singing incessantly.

I prefer not to end critters, notwithstanding breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Any suggestions on shooing this dumb bird away, without shooting this dumb bird away?
I'd say you need a cat, but the solution may be worse than the problem. (Speaking as the caretaker of many critters, including cats.)
No Cat! Last one went 21 years. Not doing that again! lol.
HDMI projector aimed out the window? I happen to have one sitting on the shelf here ...
Or just wait for mating season to pass ...
(I'm obviously doing my best at useless prattle, lol).
Was thinking about taping a few pictures to the window. Maybe a face staring at him would shoo him off.

A little worried he'll damage the glass. If that happens, it won't be a problem for long...
He won't damage the glass. A few of those "magnetic" decals will probably do the trick, so would a bright light from inside (which will keep him from seeing his reflection). Of course that might just chase him to another window...

I rather enjoy watching our grackle, but don't have the same problem as you. Well, I do, but it's with Gila Woodpeckers...

You can also try taping a strip of tin foil or plastic grocery bag to the window for a few days. A breeze will cause movement which should keep him away long enough for him to forget he was going there.