Need Help Tooling Id


Dec 13, 2013
This stuff came with the lathe I bought. I am a noob and don't know what half this stuff is or how to use it. I got the steady rest, drill bits and 7up can so can you guys get the rest? It may be item specific as the man built and repaired hydraulic cylinders. IMG_9751.JPG IMG_9752.JPG IMG_9753.JPG IMG_9754.JPG IMG_9755.JPG There is more but this is enough for now. TIA
Hmmmmm no pics. I'll get back with you.......OOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKK? So there are pics?
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I took the liberty of resizing and numbering the items so that we could discuss them more easily.
Hopefully they come out readable below:

-brinoIMG_9751.JPG IMG_9752.JPG IMG_9753.JPG IMG_9755.JPG
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okay...they look alright from here:

obviously item 12 is the big steady rest.
item 7 looks like it has a cut-out for a dial indicator, perhaps it mounts on the ways and indicates the carriage position?

item 2 looks like an end stop for repeatedly setting something to length, as if the base bolts to the ways and the other piece swings down as a stop, then up out of the way

item 11 looks like a carriage stop

item 9 looks like a roller support for turning big heavy items, perhaps

item 3 and 4 look as if they would support the cylinders from the inside and outside respectively.

Thanks for sharing!

Update: I think I missed numbering something....between no. 15 and the vise it looks like a follower steady rest..
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Looking closer at item 17, I think it's a taper attachment. Strange to see one that's so short...perhaps it only needed to be as long as the tapered threads at the end of a cylinder?

Appreciate the numbering Brino and the help as well

Yep 7 is what you said it was, Sorry missed that one
10 is a face plate I think
14 actually bolts in place of the tool post

I have 2 of #9

#11 was screwed into the hole of #17 on the end
The other side of #5 contains 2 adjustable cutting tools
#3 is actually 2 separate pieces, somehow they got together. I think the one piece may be a bull nose center?
Hi lowlife,

#10 certainly looked like a faceplate, especially the slots. what spindle nose does the lathe have? How would it attach?

maybe #14 is a radius turning tool.

okay so #11 is part of the taper attachment #17, it's what lock it to the ways when tightened. here's a shot of the one on my SouthBend 9" x 4-1/2'
funny the differences; my much smaller lathe has a longer taper attachment.

Would #5 be some kind of milling head?

D1-4 spindle nose. Not sure how it would attach or what else it could be.
I took some pics of how I found it and came up with some stuff that may help ID things.......or not. Appreciate the help regardless. Don't know how to resize pics so will go with thumbnails. Not sure that will help. I'm not an IT rocket scientist thats for sure.
I was wrong #3 is attached and is not 2 pieces so the cylinder being held by that is probable

The first pic is just of the tool post grinder no big deal
next is the angle gauge for the taper ?
Third is the same tools from a different angle or position
Forth is how I found the Lathe, except now I understand the "clamp" after looking at yours. I have no idea how to use it but with time.....
The next one is 2 tools showing where they must attach just behind them in the photo. The alignment pins and the bolts holes are a perfect match
The last one is showing 2 tools that must work together as they appear to be the same height. I didn;t put them on yet but may do later.

I need to get over to my neighbors place and pick up some more tooling. There may be a piece of the puzzle yet over there.

IMG_9761.JPG IMG_9762.JPG IMG_9763.JPG IMG_9764.JPG IMG_9765.JPG IMG_9766.JPG
ok 9 is rolers for pipe to check for out of round. 11 clamps to the ways and holds the center part of the taper attachment, Witch looks to be spechel probly for pipe thread.
Other then the face plate 7 is the only one I had a guess on & it looks like it holds a thread die handle.