Need help wiring the "Clearpath killer" for Clough42 ELS - iSV57T-180


H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
Jul 27, 2021
Inspired by James' testing of the integrated servo that cost only $100 I bought one but can't seem to figure out exactly how to wire that motor up. I realize that the enable pin will not be used, but I am not sure how to deal with the DIR + connection on the motor. I have read through the documentation to the extent of my ability and tried to zoom in and see how James wired it in the video, but don't want to let any more magic smoke out as I complete this project. He appears to have some of the pins jumped in the video but it is hard to tell.

The only possible matches I can find are:
"+" -> PUL+
DIR- -> DIR-
ALM+ -> ALM+
ALM- -> ALM-

I may be way off here. Has anyone else wired this up (well, I know James did)? If you would be so kind, could you give me some information on the correct way to wire this? One image is from the manual showing the connections and the other is the Clough 42 board.




  • Cloughboard.JPG
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  • servopins.JPG
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On the motor end, you need to jump the alm+ to dir+ and stp+. I used a JMC iHSV60-30-40-48 400 watt servo that wires basically the same but it has the enable lines and + is jumped to en+ as well.
Thanks - much appreciated. The stp pin on the booster board appears to me to connect to pul- , at least from my interpretation of the wiring schematic on the github page. Looking a bit further in the motor documentation the attached diagram appears. Which of these configurations do you think apply here?

I guess a better question would be whether making some trial and error connections could cause me to fry something along the way. I could just connect it in a few ways and see what works. After frying one of the TI boards already I want to keep all the magic smoke in this time around.


  • Connections.JPG
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Yep, stp and pul would be same thing. No need to get to far into the weeds. Alm- to Alm-, Stp- to pul-, Dir- to dir-, then you can clip and strip 3 wires to go under pul+, and dir+, then wire nut or solder them all together with + from clough42 board.
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Perfect - thanks a bunch! I will give that a go this evening after work!
The only possible matches I can find are:
"+" -> PUL+
DIR- -> DIR-
ALM+ -> ALM+
ALM- -> ALM-
I'm in the process of doing this install on my PM1030V, and I wired it up just like this but added a jumper between PUL+ and DIR+ at the servo. I think James mentions the need for this in one of his videos.

I'm waiting on some belts and pulleys to finish the install, but I have it all wired up and tested so I know this works.
Perfect - thanks a bunch! I will give that a go this evening after work!
Disregard the ALM+ jumped, the ALM connects normally, it's the + from the Clough board that jumps to the other +'s. I went back and looked at the board.
Excellent - thanks to both of you for helping me out. I ask my wife these questions and I just get the same blank stare....
Funny, I put that in the comments of the Clearpath killer video...would he be doing a follow up video for all of us Clough ELS people that you KNOW are going to do this. This wasn't a walk in the park for me the 1st time. He something to the effect of, "it's a direct drop in/plug and play" Why did I feel like I'd be about 3 hours into it when I decided that wasn't the case.
So at the end of your install, what all did you have to do/change/alter? Did you have to get back into the driver to change anything? Did it come with it's own driver and does that use the same EDS software?
Well I got everything wired up to test, and it seems that I must have blown another of those TI boards. I had it working with the display the other day (without the encoder or motor connected) and was super careful about static control (anti static mat/wristband, etc). I tested and retested every connection from the boards, through the connectors on my enclosure, to each device and all sounded out correctly. Long story short, I can't offer any insights into configuring the motor as I never got it to turn. It powered up fine, but the TI board seems dead - again. I swear, I have programmed and installed over a dozen arduinos and a few raspberry pi devices and have worked on countless PCs and never had this problem.