New 2.2 Vfd For My Mill


Sep 14, 2013
Hi Everyone, I am having a problem connecting my new 2.2 vfd onto my existing 3 phase mill, I have been using my 15hp rpc but really wanted the extra with the variable speed. It has the adjustable speed pulleys but in time I am setting it up for cnc. I just set another vfd and spindle on my 5.5 foot by 8 foot cnc plasma\router table. It worked out great and I wired both the same. My problem is when I plug it in the vfd powers up and when I hit run it sounds like the motor is a turbo spooling up but doesn't turn, I even took the tension off the belt. Any Ideas? more needed info? seems every time I try to move onto the next project my legs are pulled out from under Oh the motor is a 2 hp baldor and it has been working great, all the wiring is 12 gage and from VFD to motor is armored and shielded.
I missed your post. It sounds like the parameters are not set correctly. You don't mention the model of the VFD, but if it's a Hyungan, then check the PD119 parameter. The factory default setting is suppose to be 150

Also check, that PD141 and PD142 are set to the motor nameplate voltage and current.
You do not define the parameters of your system (motor/VFD and set-up), nor the VFD program variables, so it is a bit abstract as to providing any specific assistance. I will assume you have a Huanyang 2.2KW VFD, please provide model number, motor you are driving and desired parameters. If you list how you have set the program parameter file, members can provide more concise information to assist you. This includes additional problems you are having.

Attached is a programing file for a 2.2KW Huanyang VFD driving a 2Hp 3 phase motor, of course the parameter file may be different depending on the VFD and motor model you have.


  • Huanyang VFD Parameter file.pdf
    533.6 KB · Views: 18
Thank you for your reply. the image is the motor I am using. I set up the specs like jbolt posted. It is now working to a point but when I try and change speeds it will shut down and will not keep running, it goes into I guess a error mode and shows E0 and not sure of the rest, I went out to check but remembered I striped the wiring and putting larger wire on it. I will find out in a couple hours. I keep reading that on the HY VFD that on single phase to wire the 220 to space R and S but in your daig it shows R and T. Will that make a different outcome? also I see on Jbolt's post that on the 2 screws below the connection strip it shows a ground on each side in the plastic, He said he wired the cable shield but it doesn't show continuity to anything. This is all new to me and any help is appreciated. I will post the error code when I get the unit rewired

3phase motor on enco mill.JPG
It does not make any difference which input pins are used. The Huanyang vfd's will accept single phase or 3 phase input power. R, S & T are the inputs to the bridge rectifier. If you had 3 phase input power you would use all three. I have a couple of them running my southbend and grizzly lathes. The HY's are the best bang for the buck in the world of vfd's. The only real issue with the 2.2 kw units (don't know about the others) is the lack of dynamic braking. There is information on the net about it. It is said (on the internet) that just some of the components are missing and all you need to do is to add them. I have the missing components right here in a drawer but when I opened up the unit to add them I found that there is no place to put them! At some point, I will build a circuit board and add the circuitry to make the dynamic brake work on the grizzly 12 x 36. I just use some dc braking on the southbend, if my memory serves me, it was the parameters around pd031 that needed to be set for that.
I have not been into mine or looked at the book in a year or so but I believe that your EO error is over voltage. when you slow down the motor too fast, (as in "spin the potentiometer") the motor becomes a generator and the voltage at the VFD is higher that what the vfd thinks is should be so it errors out and shuts down. I'll bet if you slow down gradually, the error will not happen. (I am assuming that you are using a pot to vary the speed)
Hi Earl, Thank you. I believe what you are saying is right about the error but I do not have a pot on this vfd. I bought one with a 3hp spindle for my cnc table and then bought 2 for other machines, namely the mill for one and my 2x72 belt sander I started building in early dec. but than my son had a kidney transplant on dec 15th and I haven't been back to that project since...the time is coming though, I at least got that bench cleaned enough as to see the
Now I was thinking I would have to solder a pot on the circuit board but now the more I read Is it true I can put one on using the green set screws behind the cover plate? Just so much t o The spots are ACM 10V and Vl as in MKSJ's post
also I see on Jbolt's post that on the 2 screws below the connection strip it shows a ground on each side in the plastic, He said he wired the cable shield but it doesn't show continuity to anything. This is all new to me and any help is appreciated. I will post the error code when I get the unit rewired

Ed, After someone suggested I check the two grounding screws for continuity I found that indeed these screws did not have continuity to ground. I moved the main 220vac ground to the same ground lug as the motor (#9) in my photo. I left the motor shield where it was and ran a drain wire from there to a machine chassis ground.

Post #100 of this thread has my final vfd/motor settings.
So you I assume you have a HY02D223B (2.2Kw) model. Which can be wired as single or three phase input. As mentioned the power input (single phase 240V) can be wired to any of the two terminals (RST). The speed pot is wired to the terminals indicated, there is no need to solder or pull anything apart. The basic connection diagram specifies a speed pot of 10K (although probably anything from 2-10K is fine, wire wound and at least 2W) connected to the ACM (0 V), VI (Pot wiper) and VR (+10V) terminals.

Terminal P and Pr are for a braking resistor. At least on the model above, it does not indicate the need for a braking module (which would include additional circuity including a switching transistor and braking resistor), nor is this indicated on the basic connection diagram. I did set up one of these VFDs (2.2KW version), and if I recall I used a 300W 70 Ohm braking resistor (anything in the 50-100 ohm and at least 250W should be OK). You can buy one off of eBay, for $20-30, they are in a sealed aluminum housing with high temperature wire leads. There are a number of posts indicating the failure of Huanyang VFD's from too aggressive braking without a braking resistor. An over voltage spike/error code is very common with too aggressive braking, especially when a braking resistor is not used. This is particularly true in machines that have a lot of rotating mass, like lathes. Routers and smaller mills, it is less problematic. Without a braking resistor, I would start with a 5 second acceleration and 5 second deceleration times.

So it is important to know circumstances of exactly when the error code occurs, what did you press/change and what happens, if the error code occurs when there is a sudden deceleration or when stopping, then most likely this is an over voltage situation. The motor will usually free wheel to a stop. Increase the braking time (seconds) and see if this changes anything. If so , you need a braking resistor. Once installed, decrease the braking time (using the maximum speed/mass of the system) until the error occurs, and then back off 1 or 2 seconds. I have a program function on my VFD to dynamically change the braking time (1 stage vs. 2 stage braking), so I can switch to a longer braking time if I run at high speeds with a big chuck. Works very well.

Please make sure that you have set the VFD motor parameters to your motor shown, Voltage should be 230V, amperage 6.4A, RPM 1725, poles = 4. I would configure your VFD similar to the parameters in the PDF file previously posted, this is closer to your operating parameters, just update the motor parameters. Make sure PD006-PD011 are set per the table. Change PD015 Decel Time 1 to 5 seconds for now. Make sure your motor is wired for LOW VOLTAGE (4, 5, 6 connected; line is 3, 9, U connected together; 8, 2, V connected together; and 7, 1, W connected together). U, V, W are in no particular order at the motor, and must be connected directly to your VFD terminals. You should also have a ground lead connected at both ends.

Let us know how it goes.