Resolved Not staying logged in


Professional Crastinator
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 15, 2013
When I log into H-M, there is a “Stay logged in” check box in the log in pop up. The check box is always checked every time I log in. But every time I visit the forum, I have to log in again. In other words, the “Stay logged in” check box isn’t working for me. FWIW, it worked before we changed servers. Can it be fixed?

Also FWIW, I frequent a number of other forums that have the same feature and they “remember” me from visit to visit, including one forum that uses Xenforo.


I went on your account and it worked nicely. My suggestion is to totally clear cookies and the cache and history on the browser.

Parenthetically. I increased the session timeout limit, which was one of the issues before.
This should NOT be happening to anyone.
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Hi Nels,

It's still happening. It happened just now in fact. Did you close your browser between forum visits with my account? That's when I lose my logged in status. If I leave the forum and return without closing my browser, I'm still logged in, but if I close my browser and come back later, one minute or one day later, doesn't matter how long, I'm not logged in even though the "stay logged in" box is checked.

I have cleared my browser history, cookies, cache, active log ins, offline website data and site preferences. There's nothing else in Firefox to clear. Then I rebooted my computer, all to no avail. Thinking maybe it was a Firefox quirk, I tried Safari and got the same result. It's no biggie. I'm getting used to the extra clicks to log in. Thanks for responding.

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Wife cleared out history in a blue open book at top of I'm back in business..can look at stuff I haven't seen in awhile..thanks for you can tell I'm not a computer person..
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I am having the same issue of not staying logged in. I am using Win7 with Chrome, I cleared all cache history and cookies and it is still doing it. Same thing as higgite (Tom) when I close all browsers and try to go back I have to log back in.
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