Old Vernon Shaper


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 5, 2010
I have posted this elsewhere, but I thought I would post it here just to help fill up the Forum.
Here are some pictures of a Vernon 12" shaper I have restored. This is a pre-Sheldon and is probably 80-90 years old. It really runs nicely now. I just keep it as a toy, but I really enjoy watching it run.

P1010039.JPG P1010023.JPG P1010031.JPG P1010032.JPG P1010033.JPG P1010041.JPG
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I just bought one of these today. Bringing it home tomorrow. Thanks so much for the pictures, as the one I purchased had no name plates on it. I was able to ID it as a Vernon from your pictures! Thanks!
Looking good ! What was your paint process

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I just bought one of these today. Bringing it home tomorrow. Thanks so much for the pictures, as the one I purchased had no name plates on it. I was able to ID it as a Vernon from your pictures! Thanks!

Yeah, mine didn't have any tags either. I had to spend a lot of time on the Internet to figure out what it was. I didn't find any documentation either. If you find any useful info on the Vernon 10'' shaper, please let me know.
Randy, yeah I am experiencing the same thing. I also would like to find the "correct" vise for it as well (meaning a Sheldon would be just fine). If I find anything other than what is on Vintage Machinery, I'll post it here. BTW, I agree with the other folks who posted. Very nice job on your shaper. Mine came from an older fellow's estate, and he decided to paint it Red, White, and Blue. I am as patriotic as the next guy, but not so much on my machines.....I much prefer your "all blue" scheme.