Ozwelders shed

Do you have any plans to add a battery bank for 24 hour power?

Sorry for the delay in answer I had not been back to this post for a while

Storage batteries will come when they are cost effective to buy and replace at the end of their charge cycle.Current prices are $15 and replace at around 7 years.
Looks to me like the only thing wrong with is that there is still room to walk around in it...
That will change at lot when the benches and machines are brought in .Most machines are on castors as is the welding table.It is wheeled out into the carport and used when welding and grinding.
Very, very cool. I really like the Party patio.
When in dire need of more floor space to layout on, the barbie can be pushed away and the tables and chairs moved.

External to the shed there are 60 sq metres under the roof cover. We have a breeze over 300 days as year so it can be pleasant working out there in the cool but out of the sun.
Nice shed. Looks like a similar style to the one i bought. Good shed. 3 hours west and the cost to build is heaps cheaper! I wish i had the room for an awning, handy to be able to have covered outside area