Pass Around 2016

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I'm going to be on the road a lot this next year, not a good idea to get stuff delivered
to my place, but I would be interested to see how the box contents change over time.
If the recipient could just take a photo of the box's contents each time it moves
it would provide an interesting end of year (or box) slide show. Pics would be sent
to a moderator so as to not influence anyone during its 'lifetime'. Maybe you have
already done something like this?

CHuck the grumpy old guy
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Chuck, not a bad idea, but it would be a duplication of effort and would be a lot of work for a moderator, and they have plenty to do already. This project is meant to be fun and enjoyable, and it is a fair piece of work already just to keep things on the straight and narrow. No offense, but I don't think that anyone is really interested in making more work of it than it already is. If anything we're trying to make it be less work than it is currently with two boxes floating around.

Recipients are supposed to take and post a photo of what they kept before adding goodies and sending the box on to the next person. Watching those photos as the year goes by would show most of what the box carried during its travels, so all you have to do is watch this thread as it moves forward.
I guess I didn't realize that I could peek in on the progress of the box along with
pictures of what people take out. This information would be more than adequate
to satisfy my tool-voyeur needs. Thanks Terry.

CHuck the grumpy old guy
Yes, Chuck you certainly may! We will be making this into a 'sticky' thread in the Tool Junkies forum so that it is easy to find.
I am coming up soon for box 2, I'm good for a go on box 1. New addition on machines is a south bend heavy 10
Thanks Ken. Since the box very well may not last forever, maybe it would be best to include a "Logbook" inside the box? Just a little notebook where each person can add the date, screen name, city, and state.

Knowing that the box will not last forever, I will make a brand new box in the next few weeks and have it here ready to go, using the threaded inserts like I used in the box that we will be using going forward. In the event that the box becomes damaged too severely, all anyone needs to do is notify me and we will get the contents into the new box somehow.
Thanks, Terry, for your dedicated work in this Fun projec. The Box and I are taking
a short rest for box repairs and restock.......BLJHB
The person who is sending you the box will contact you, usually through private message, when you are next to receive the box.
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