Resolved Poll Question - "Staying Logged In"


Staff member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2014
The infamous "Staying Logged In" problem appears to be back for a few users. I have been doing some troubleshooting on the issue and have ruled out the following possible causes:

- Xenforo software is fine,
- this is not a permission or user upgrade issue,
- our server configuration is good,
- there are no add-in conflicts that I can identify,
- cookies are set properly.

The one issue that I haven't been able to pin down is if the issue is specific to a particular browser or settings amongst different browsers. Before I chase that ghost, I'd like to hear from the members here on a) if you have a problem staying logged in or not and b) which browser you are using. Please answer the poll to help me troubleshoot this issue.

Bryan (vtcnc)

Background: "Staying Logged In" is an option at the login screen. You check the box, "Stay Logged In" before you submit your credentials so that you do not have to continue to submit user credentials every time you visit the forum.

How it is supposed to work: when you close a tab in your browser, or close your browser software you are still "logged in". When you come back to your browser and visit the H-M forum, you will already be logged in and go straight to the forum content.

How it is actually working: Members must login every time they comeback to H-M, or some frequency that ranges from a few days to a week. In other words, it is intermittent with little rhyme or reason. I want to stress that this has been reported by a handful of users. I suspect many of us are dealing with it but have learned to just deal with it since it is only a couple of extra steps and most of us have our username and password saved in our browsers. So logging in every time is literally just clicking the login button and then the submit button.
No help from me, I guess- I always log out, and log back in each visit. My browser (Chrome) saves my username/password, so it is easy. At work, I am required to logout each day, so I have gotten used to it. Feels safer, too, but I imagine that is the Luddite view I cling to on these matters.:eek 2:
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I have no problem staying logged in using iPad with current iOS
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Still wont stay logged in for me, I use Firefox.
This is the only site that has this problem for me.................................
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I need to log in each time, but.. I do have my settings set to clear history after I close the browser, which is why. Are others doing this also?
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Bump. Going to keep this poll on "Staying Logged In" through the weekend so we get a good sample size of feedback from the member community.
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No, that has been one of the first questions that we ask whenever someone reports having the problem.
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I use both Chrome and Firefox and this has been an intermittent problem with both browsers. I am a member of multiple forums that stay logged in so I do not think this is a problem with the browsers. Possibly because you are setting session cookies, not permanent cookie.
Or you are setting a permanent cookie with a short a max age value or a missing or mal formated expires date. Could be it is a secure only cookie, Just ideas...
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So I decided to look at the cookie values in Firefox for xf_user:
Expires:"Wed, 02 Oct 2019 18:09:51 GMT"
LastAccessed:"Tue, 02 Oct 2018 18:25:28 GMT"

It should be lasting a year, If you want me to check anything else let me know
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