Precise Brand Spindle Collet


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
H-M Platinum Supporter
Oct 14, 2014
I bought a high speed spindle off fleabay to try engraving...

its a Precise brand type S-65.

I can't find a collet for it. The pic is of a 1/4" collet. Looks like most to all engrave tooling is 1/8"

Ideas? or do I need to shop wiser for another?

Precise collet.jpg
I've got a Gorton engraver pushed into a corner if you know anyone who might be interested in setting her up and working her.
Details available on request. Price is right....

If nothing else appears, you could make and harden a collet (you have one to copy) or make a split sleeve bushing to fit in the larger collet. The loads should be pretty small, just need it to have little runout. A bushing split from both ends at right angles to each other seems like a reasonable idea to me. You might be able to find one commercially made.
Fischer Spindle ( sells collets for Precise spindles. I don't know what type your spindle takes so I wasn't able to determine if they carry what you need.

Tom S.
Thanks for the Fisher lead. I went through it again, no joy.

I did find a 1/8 to 1/4 collet reducer. So, I bought that. Lets hope the TIR is tight enough.
