Quick TouchDRO Plus status update


Active User
H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
Apr 4, 2013
Hi Folks,
Sorry for the radio silence. My little Petrie Dish daughter brought COVID from school a couple weeks ago, and it knocked me off my feet for a while. I'm [mostly] OK now, but for almost two weeks have been feeling pretty miserably. Still coughing a bit and feel like I'm carrying a grand piano every time I walk up the stairs, but at least I can mostly use my lungs for breathing instead of just coughing (you know, those little pleasures in life :D).

I'm in the home stretch of getting TouchDRO Plus ready. If things go well, it will be out in production in the first week of April or so. I have a few bugs to fix still (found one more probe-related issue in the last build) and need to finish the hand shake workflow for auto-activation. There are some issues I need to resolve with VERY old version of iGaging firmware (the new adapters talk with the app both ways, but a few older firmware versions choke and crash on some characters).

I hope to have a new build in Beta early next week, but we'll see how things go.

Glad you are on the mend. sounds like you got hit hard.
Thanks for the update.
Hi Folks,
Sorry for the radio silence. My little Petrie Dish daughter brought COVID from school a couple weeks ago, and it knocked me off my feet for a while. I'm [mostly] OK now, but for almost two weeks have been feeling pretty miserably. Still coughing a bit and feel like I'm carrying a grand piano every time I walk up the stairs, but at least I can mostly use my lungs for breathing instead of just coughing (you know, those little pleasures in life :D).
I’m also glad you’re on the mend.

There are some issues I need to resolve with VERY old version of iGaging firmware (the new adapters talk with the app both ways, but a few older firmware versions choke and crash on some characters).
So there’s hope for the v1.1 iGaging Adapter on my Mini-Mill?


The one on my Mini-Lathe and my “spare” are both v1.6.

Regards, Charlie