Rant--health Issues


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 25, 2011
5 ½ weeks ago I was diagnosed with pneumonia:disgust: and after 3 rounds of antibiotics and steroids ( and breathing treatments 3 times a day) I think I have finally turned the corner towards better.:D This has thoroughly kicked my butt!!!

I am tired all the time and to top it all off---I have reactions to the antibiotics of making my muscles and joints hurt so bad I can barely walk at times. My muscles hurt like when you have a really bad muscle pull (mostly in my extremities). Doc said either take the antibiotics or hospital or risk maybe kicking the bucket----so pills it is. I have 1 (ONE!!!!) pill left.:grin big: That’s the good news---the bad is it will take another 2-3 weeks for muscles to quit hurting.

Did I say this has KICKED MY BUTT!!!!

Okay pity party over---maybe I can do more in the shop now.:grin:
This time last year I was getting my stitches out. I had seen my doctor with some chest congestion on Friday. Three days later I was admitted to the hospital thought the emergency room on sepsis watch. My O2 sat got down to the 70's. Twenty one days later I got out after having my chest opened, lungs peeled, and pus pockets aspirated. I have this big ol' scar around my shoulder blade and across my side. My shoulder still hurts when I crank the mill Z. There were days at the beginning that I could see the shadow of that guy in black with the scythe. Yeah, pneumonia can really kick your butt. Get some pain pills for your joints. There is no call for you to suffer when you don't have to. You've done you fair share of that already.
HOPE they didn't give you levaquin.
Baithog is 100% right. If the doc will give you pain meds, TAKE THEM. The stress of constant pain wears you down faster than anything.

I always found the best healing occurs for me when I rest.
I am not good at it.......I really hate it! I wanna be in the shop, not the lazy-boy.
Nothing drive me crazy like trying to sit still.

My advise:
Try to concentrate on some drawings for new projects, thumb thru the latest tool catalogs, etc. give your body some time to recover.
Slowly increase the time in the shop day by day.

I wish you all the best!

I always found the best healing occurs for me when I rest.
I am not good at it.......I really hate it! I wanna be in the shop, not the lazy-boy.
Nothing drive me crazy like trying to sit still.

My advise:
Try to concentrate on some drawings for new projects, thumb thru the latest tool catalogs, etc. give your body some time to recover.
Slowly increase the time in the shop day by day.

I wish you all the best!

Brino, You are probably correct.
But like you---I'm terrible at it. I do try though, just not good at doing so.
I hope you feel better soon. I didn't take the pneumonia shot, and am thinking I should have.
Nels, get the shot. And the flu shot, if you haven't, already. Prevention is key.