Resolved Replies to threads not showing up


Active User
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 22, 2012
The last two or three (maybe more) replies I have posted have not shown up.
Not even in my content.
Any ideas?
win10 firefox
Ii would have been post 68 in this thread.
I just mentioned 10,000 days as awesome

I thought I had posted in this thread
mentioning black, blue pearl and mirror flake.
In my content list the last post was september 24, the above posts were between that date and september 28
At first I thought I had just forgotten to press send but when I have done that in the past it remains in the reply window. This time it hasnt.
Post #68? You sure this is the right thread? I only see 22 posts at the thread referenced above.
The new bike project I am not 100% certain but as soon as you posted Tool, I replied with the 10,000 days.
On a different tack it took the website over 4 mins to load today. Maybe they fell into the aether with a delay.
These posts are getting through so maybe it was a one off.