[Read!] Restoring a New Hand Plane to Accuracy

Hey Mike looking good. I just picked up some materials for my first project with the plane.
I better get my rear in gear then!!!:)
i'll be on it in the morning!
in the last episode i blued up the rear of the blade and made a rub on the support pillars and throat.
the contact was not good on the throat, the pillars seemed to have less than stellar contact.
Heres a look at the tools that i'm using on this portion of the project...
Anderson%2BScraper%2Band%2BSwiss%2BRifflers%2BFile.jpg an old Anderson Bros. Hand Scraper and a Swiss Pattern Rifflers File.
the hand scraper is a smaller version of the more common larger hand scraper seen in videos and tool trade books.
If i'm not mistaken it was designed for dovetail and smaller surface work as the entire scraper with handle is less than 14" long.
the rifflers file is resting in a shop made barstock handle, a couple set screws keep the file in place during use.

I switched to red for my transfer color more out of curiosity than anything else.
i was curious if red would stand out a little better for photography .
the color of spotting ink a scraper uses is really inconsequential, in most cases, as long as a difference between highs and lows are detectable.

Heres a close up picture of the support pillars and throat dressed in Red after a few cycles...

I'm on the right track. I'm gaining contact on both the support pillars and the throat.
The majority of the work on these pictures is being performed by the rifflers file.
Below is a zoomed out picture from a slightly different perspective.


after a few more cycles....


very good contact, but not yet good enough!

slow and steady, i keep telling myself.....
a little more improvement....


and then some more...


I went back to blue to show the contrast again...


and the final result, the picture doesn't show it well but there are support points and a lot of contact!!!
the ink is a bit thick and gave a smear effect in a few places.

one more hurdle is surpassed.
i'll be re-assembling and making final adjustments as i start the final phases of the endeavor .
thanks as always for reading.:)