Closed SB 9A carriage stop


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Sep 22, 2019
Or drawings to make one easily.

Thanks for the ad!!
Project Plans section has drawings.
I managed to cobble one together.
It works for what I need.
Will have to figure a way to rework it so the plunger meets the boss on the carriage is all.
Thanks for the tips Guys!!

You mean like this?

This is on a Hercus AR, which is a licensed Australian copy of an SB9A. Same ways, same boss on the carriage.
The horizontal bar has a V-notch to ride on the ways. The upper of the two near set screws holds the neck of the gauge. The lower one holds the hard stop, which is set so that the needle has 1/2" of travel before it stops at the zero. Makes it easy to drop out of drive about 5 thou before stop.

The whole thing can slide back above the QCGB when I need to bring the carriage up close to the headstock. On my big lathe, I have to remove it completely to work that close.