Resolved Search not working?


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
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H-M Platinum Supporter
Oct 16, 2019
Search doesn't seem to be working for me today.
Tried searching for RF-30, Bridgeport, tram no results for any.
Also, the entire forum has no mentions of the words 'mill' or 'lathe.'
Yeah. doesn't work for me, either. I'll report it.
Could be a hiccup with the Google search tool.

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The Google search add-on was supposed to have been turned off.
Maybe related, when I tried to look up an old post in my profile, instead of listing my posting history, it says something on the order of no recent activity.

When there are no results from the search it used to display google results.
That was within the last 4 weeks or so.

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There were a few complaints about it doing that without being told to do it. The problem was that it wasn't optional. So when a hit came up, you didn't know whether it was on this site or God knows where.
Try again guys...I changed some settings. I had to turn enhanced search off, but it looks like basic search functions are working. Need confirmation from members.
Seems to be working now, thanks!!!