Resolved Search word length


Professional Crastinator
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 15, 2013
Is it possible to modify the software so the search feature will work with 3 letter words, such as DRO, oil, rpm, fps, etc.?

I have been asking for the same thing plus I don't want the thing to ignore punctuation marks but from what the Admins have described, neither seems to be optional. I have a generally low opinion of the people who work for Google but try @jwmelvin's solution and see how well that works.
That's odd. I frequent another forum that uses Zenforo and 3-letter word searches work fine. Did we get the economy model?


Edit: Let me correct that. I just checked and 1 and 2 letter searches work on the other Zenforo powered forum that I spoke of.
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A good search function would be an awesome boost here. I know higgite is not alone in his difficulties. I have been using the google work around for some time now hoping for an improvement in the search function here.