Shop Apron


Mr. Deliberate
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011
Does anyone else wear a shop apron when operating their machines? Here is the one I wear Apron. I find I am greatly in the habbit of putting it on when I start up my equipment.
I got one last year and got in the habit also of wearing it 75 percent of the time. I like the bib pocket and the needed marking
tools, scales and such it will hold.

I have a few leather ones I like and also have a lab jacket the herringbone fabric one I really like
I should start wearing them again I used those aprons all the time when I was in the tool room.

I used to wear them a lot, but burned holes in the front apron when welding and angle grinding. Never replaced them - but I really should.
It took me a while to get comfortable with it but yes, I use aprons regularly now. I have some nice heavy duty ones that my wife picked-up somewhere. I did however cut the neck strap and I now attach it with Velcro that I stitched onto it. If it does get caught in something, it hopefully will break free and won't pull my face into the machine.

Due to they do not exist around here, I sewed my own. I sewed six pocket each tailored for a purpose. At last, now I can bend over and my glasses
dont fall out and step on em.
I wear a formerly white/blue lab coat with tight cuffs all the time. I keep a 6" Starret rule and my pencils in the top left pocket, my markers in the top right and my tape measure in the lower right. It keeps the chips and dirt off when metalworking and when woodworking the sawdust off. I've been using it for over 20 years, hence the formerly white.
Due to they do not exist around here, I sewed my own. I sewed six pocket each tailored for a purpose. At last, now I can bend over and my glasses
dont fall out and step on em.

Talking about your glasses if you run machines in an area with light that reflects off the work or machine try a light rose tint to your glasses. We had sodium lights in the the plant and they would cause a problem seeing my eye doctor told me to put a light rose tint in then and I've use it still works great to break the glare.
