Shop mats


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Oct 16, 2019
Over the weekend I spent about 12 hours in concrete.
My back is a mite sore.
Are folks using cushion mats or anything similar in front of their benches, machines etc?

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For what it’s worth I spent my whole life standing sometimes 14hrs on concrete. But I was moving around doing things not standing in one place. It was more about me feet than my back. But I notice when I’m doing machining standing In one place what gets me is my back and the back of my legs tightens up. i was given mats and they don’t work for me. The only thing that does is taking some time to stretch like do some toe touches and stuff.
I get these at Industrial Plastics. They come in 3’x3’ modules that kind of lock together although I supplement that with a giant staple strap or two. They’re really soft though — these are not the stiff kind often seen in commercial kitchens — and I can stand on them for hours. I think about thirty bucks apiece if my memory serves.


Home Depot carries these smaller individual ones, also for twenty bucks or so. Equally soft, they have a beveled edge and are not meant to lock together. Great for small areas like in front of the Kira.


And of course no shop should be without a nice Kerman, they work anywhere...


I'm using Wearwell mats for the lathe & mill. We used these in the QC dept at my old work & is where I learned about them. I've had mine for 10 yrs or so & they don't show any signs of wear or damage (well very hot chips can melt into them). I've spilled all kinds of shop fluids on them.

They're not cheap though compared to mats from HF or big box stores. The one for my lathe I had custom cut, one for the mill is an off the shelf size. Custom cut cause the edges are beveled to help avoid tripping. They were pricey but I have no regrets & would buy them again.

Another option that I have seen quite a bit. They use some sort of wood riser. Not sure how they prevent fatigue but I hear they work well. I guess the wood planks are springy? Off the top of my head, Tom Lipton uses one & so does AvE. I tried searching for them but not sure what they are called or if they even sell em. I assume the ones I have seen are all shop made & woodn't be hard to make. ;)

I have two kinds: A couple of interlocking Harbor Freight mats, which are soft and comfortable, but are so light
that they won't stay put. I'm constantly kicking them out of position. I would not buy them again for that reason.
I have a couple of heavier mats I bought years ago: I have no idea where I bought them. Not as plush as the HF
mats (though that doesn't seem to matter comfort wise), but they have lasted and don't move at all.
Were I buying today, I would spend a bit more and get a heavier, quality mat that chips can be broomed off
Thanks gents, as always a trove of knowledge!

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