Small and simple 2-stroke "Puppy"

Jan Ridders

Apr 8, 2014
Hi all intereseted,
I designed and made a small and easy-to-make 2-stroke model engine that I named "Puppy".
See the YouTube video:
Puppy 2 stroke model engine

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[TD="class: link-enhancr-element, bgcolor: #E5E5E5"]
[TD="class: link-enhancr-element, colspan: 2"] Puppy 2 stroke model engine Simple, small and easy-to-make 2-stroke model engine. Design Jan Ridders; The Netherlands See for detailed description my web site:

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And my web site; page:
As always plans are available via my web site.

Friendly greetings from Holland,

Jan Ridders
That is pretty darn slick and it is way neat to have sitting on a desk and able to run literally at the flip of a switch. Thanks for a great project and posting it!!!

Re: Small and simple 2-stroke "Puppy"

Thanks, cool project!
Thanks for your compliment.
Friendly greetings from Holland,
Jan Ridders

- - - Updated - - -

That is pretty darn slick and it is way neat to have sitting on a desk and able to run literally at the flip of a switch. Thanks for a great project and posting it!!!

Hello Bob,
Thanks for your nice words.
Friendly greetings from Holland,
Jan Ridders
That is really nice. I have been a fan of your engines for years and you were a large influence that got me into modeling engines.
I'm planning a gas engine next.
That is way cool! Wonder if anyone would say anything if I had one of those on my desk and ran it during lunch.

That is way cool! Wonder if anyone would say anything if I had one of those on my desk and ran it during lunch.

Thanks for your nice raction, but may be the smell will ruin your taste at lunch somewhat.
Friendly greetings from Holland,
Jan Ridders
If it smells bad you need better oil. I'm a Klotz man my self. Love that stuff
If it smells bad you need better oil. I'm a Klotz man my self. Love that stuff

Back in the '70 a customer of my father-in-law brought him a Piaggio Ape (this) with the motor almost dead.
My father-in-law smelled the motor and asked the guy which oil he used to make the mix.
«The best extra-virgin olive oil of my orchard!» replied the guy.

Please don't try this!