Some feedback about Android DRO, please?


Active User
H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
Apr 4, 2013
Good day,
I'd like to run a few ideas by you for the next version of TouchDRO. I know there are a few TouchDRO users on this forum, but I'd like to hear you opinion even if you don't use TouchDRO.
So... I'm working on the finishing touches for the next version of the app. (here is the post that covers the non-controversial changes: In addition to those I'm working on updates for the "Layout View", namely the ability to set a drawing as a background and use it as a reference. My initial idea is as follows:
1. Select an image
2. Set two reference points
2.a Move the cross hairs to a point on the image
2.b Enter the known value
2.c Repeat for the second point


The app the would scale and position the image proportionally and set it as the background for the layout view. I know this would be useful for me, but I'd like to hear your opinions about the feature itself and the UI (in the screenshot above).

Thank you in advance
I can see how that feature would be extremely useful. It's almost like having a CNC'd layout (but the operator has the controls.)

I love my TouchDRO and really appreciate the work you've continued to put into it over the last few years.
By image do you mean a vector (dxf) and/or rastor (jpg) type image? The scaling process you describe implies a rastor type image.

Being able to import a dxf type file and then dial into the line end points I could see as very useful.

Hand following a complex line on a rastor image to get a 'close enough' shape is not something I personally think I would use a lot - but then again when needed it could be a useful way to copy a non-critical part (photograph it, import it, scale it, trace around it). Maybe also include a rotate option so the image can be adjusted to make one line parallel to the axix (although this could also easily be done in image software before uploading).

Love the App, thanks for all the work and I be trying out the Beta as soon as it is available.
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Thank you for the feedback, gentlemen. It's great that you find the app useful.

That's a fair point. Sorry, I wasn't very clear: in this case I'm talking about raster image. I posted a more detailed overview here:
Raster images don't have to be inaccurate; definitely not less accurate than Dykem + scriber and you'd be able to see the lines while cutting.

To support photos I will need to do more work. Right now I'm doing scale/translate only. To support freehand pictures will require skew/rotate, which in turn requires a more interesting linear algebra. I started with that but quickly decided to go for the simpler version first and add more complexity in future versions.

I will be adding vector version of this as well, but it's a bit more complex. I've been working on a G-code parser for some time now, so "vector" version will let you manually add arcs, lines etc., import G-code and import JSON. I'm not 100% sure I can get it out for this version, though.

Thank you
I use your software an love it! I think that the above capabilities will be a positive addition to an already great software package. Thanks for all of your efforts.
Is someone making a plug & play interface for the Igaging scales?
Can these units be used with a mini usb to micro usb adaptor?